Janet Russell

Pastor of Christian Formation and Community Life

Home towns

Mercer Island and Pasco, WA. Yes, quite a contrast.


B.S. in Occupational Therapy from University of Washington (Go Huskies!) MDiv from Regent College in Vancouver, BC. Certificate in Spiritual Direction from the Center for Spiritual Direction at North Park Seminary.


Marc and I have been married for 40 years. He works for SPIE (a professional organization for those working in photonics and optics) as a market analyst. We have 3 married children who are now off on their own adventures and five lovely grandchildren. 

About Me

I love being in a front row seat watching God moving in the lives of those around me. My passion is helping men and women encounter Jesus, discern their uniqueness in God's story, and move forward in faith and service.


Anything on the trails or on/in water. I enjoy family and friends around the table, good conversations, big hugs, warm cookies, and a well-written book.

Favorite book

Oh, how to choose?? Ones that have shaped me the most are the Bible (of course) and My Utmost for His Highest, as well as books by Richard Foster, Dallas Willard, Henri Nouwen, Ruth Haley Barton,... But I also love a good story (Endurance, Unbroken, The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, A Light in the Darkness, Homegoing...); biographies (Team of Rivals...), and  suspense... 


Life is Beautiful, Sound of Music, Les Miserables, Wicked.

Childhood Memory

Swimming across Lake Washington with friends to go to swim team.

Super Hero Power

Being able to remember the names of everyone I meet.